Traditional Chinese Medicine

Pediatric Tuina 小儿推拿
What is Paediatric Tuina? 什么是小儿推拿?
Paediatric Tuina a.k.a children tuina is a form of therapeutic massage based on the TCM meridian and qi flow principles which is unique to TCM. Paediatric Tuina is applicable to most ailments such as cough, flu, fever,diarrhea, constipation, lack of appetite etc. Not only treating ailments, it can also boost the immune system of the child preventing future ailments.
Paediatric Tuina's Uniqueness 小儿推拿的独特价值
Paediatric Tuina is a form of 'green' treatment that does not require medication and has no side effects. It is the most natural way of healing and boosting of immune system. Reliance on antibiotics and high medical costs makes paediatric tuina an economical and 'greener' form of treatment in comparison.
Common Ailments 小儿推拿常见病
Flu 小儿感冒
Fever 小儿发烧
Cough 小儿咳嗽
Asthma 小儿哮喘
Ear-Nose-Throat diseases 小儿耳鼻喉疾病
Stomach Pain 小儿胃痛腹痛
Diarrhea 小儿腹泻
Constipation 小儿便秘
Lack of Appetite 小儿厌食
Colic (Night Crying) 小儿夜啼
Vomitting 小儿呕吐
Nocturnal Enuresis (Bedwetting) 小儿遗尿
Jaundice 新生儿黄疸
Boosting Immunity 小儿推拿保健
Recurrence of Flu and Cough 易感儿保健
Improve Concentration and Memory 小儿补肾益智保健
Nourishment of Spleen and Stomach 小儿健脾和胃保健
Post-ailment Nursing 小儿病后康复保健
Height Increase 小儿增高保健